Discover this mighty devotion
Join Mary the Queen of Heaven as she with her army of angels combat the fallen angels
Discover the role Mary has within the Church.
Fulfill the prayer given us by Jesus Himeself
Everyone - Catholic and non-Catholic who undertakes to pray the following three prayers daily will be protected and blessed by the prayers of the rest of the network.
The intentions in our hearts as we say the Three Prayers will be: firstly for the blessing and protection of the other members of the network; and secondly for the blessing and protection of our Nation. (These intentions don't need to be spoken out, but held in our hearts as we say the Two Prayers each day).
Those also able to say the Rosary for these intentions in addition to the prayers will multiply the graces received greatly.
A UK based Catholic apostolate, uniting the faithful
in. prayer, fellowship and community.
Our goal is to bring together fellow believers in Christ worldwide by establishing a dedicated network of committed intercessors. Emphasizing prayer as the ultimate solution for every situation.