The Mary's Heel network of intercessors aims to unite in praying communities and individuals all over the world, with mutually supportive prayer. Please join us as we pray for each other and our respective Nations.

There are three key foundations to the network of intercessory prayer for the our families, friends and Nations; simple keystones for ensuring a successful participation and mutual prayer support for anyone praying within this network, The Lord’s Prayer, the Unity Prayer, and the August Queen Prayer - This prayer was dictated for us to say, by the Blessed Virgin Mary

How the network developed

Wales has long been consecrated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and devotion to her has always been strong amongst Catholics - indeed it was the frequency of pilgrims travelling to the Marian Shrine at Penrhys in the Rhondda Valleys that required the first building of the famous Old Bridge at Pontypridd in 1746.

In 2004 an internationally recognised prophetic Christian leader Mike McClung visited Wales and gave a prophetic word for the Nation of Wales:

In 1959, the Queen of England officially made the dragon an emblem on the Welsh flag. I now believe that this was sovereignly allowed by God as a prophetic statement for the destiny of this small, Celtic nation.
…The scripture is Colossians 2:15 : "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." The Greek word for "public spectacle" is a word that means to "display a specimen." It is also used as a taxidermy term, as to make a "stuffed trophy" of something. The Lord made it very clear to us as we prophesied it, that the Lord would now begin to use this tiny, despised nation as a major end-time force to make the enemy a "stuffed trophy" to be placed under His feet. This explained to us the symbol of the red dragon on the flag.

Arise, Wales, shake off your slumber! The Lord's destiny on Wales is to bring that nation back into deep, intimate communion with Himself and to use Wales to destroy the works of darkness, again, and present the enemy to the Lord as a "reward" for His suffering. The Lord has even had the highest-ranking civil authority in the United Kingdom prophesy that the red dragon would become Wales' trophy, as signified by the Welsh flag! 

by Mike McClung, Director
Lionheart Ministries, International House of Prayer - Knoxville, TN

Fr Rufus Pereira the Vatican exorcist was stood, hands raised in the Cathedral of St David in the capital city of Wales, Cardiff, praying that Wales be delivered from any curses, spiritual oppression or bondage and that the Holy Spirit be free to move across this little land of Wales. This was September 2009 and this service in the Cathedral marked the end of a weekend of training about deliverance and inner healing prayer. This prayer for the nation had been recommended to Fr Rufus by the leadership of the event after some discernment. Many encouraging things have happened in Wales since then and two new bishops have joined us too bringing new enthusiasm and energy.

In 2011 following a year of discernment, a small team working with a local priest began facilitating a rolling Fatima First Saturday event in South Wales, in obedience to Heaven’s request for healing to the wounded heart of the Blessed Mother. This much overlooked request from Fatima seems very important to Heaven and many blessings and much prayer for Wales has occurred since as we continue to pray for the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart over evil as promised at Fatima. This First Saturday obedience feels very significant to everyone involved and prayers of intercession for the Church and the World are also made, before the Blessed Sacrament. A very intimate time of prayer.

 This Fatima prayer initiative continues monthly ever since and has received further support since Pope Francis has consecrated his papacy to Our Lady under the title 'Our Lady of Fatima'.

Twice during 2012 all the monks, nuns and parish sisters in Wales were asked to pray for particular intentions: In January 2012 all the Praying Communities in Wales were asked to pray on behalf of the Archdiocesan Commission for Family Life for the blessing and protection of all families in Wales and also:

For Our Lady to crush any evil over Wales and make a trophy of the Red Dragon of our National flag – a sign of her triumph over the devil. May Wales, which has long been consecrated to the Blessed Mother, join other countries in the world, in seeing crushed the head of the Serpent, the Red Dragon of Revelation, as Heavens Peace Plan for the World rolls out with the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, as promised at Fatima

For Our Lady to crush any evil over Wales and make a trophy of the Red Dragon of our National flag – a sign of her triumph over the devil. May Wales, which has long been consecrated to the Blessed Mother, join other countries in the world, in seeing crushed the head of the Serpent, the Red Dragon of Revelation, as Heavens Peace Plan for the World rolls out with the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, as promised at Fatima.

  • Revelation 12:3 Then another portent appeared in heaven: a great red dragon,
  • Revelation 12:17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus.

Also, on the weekend of the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, 13th May 2012 a group commited to the First Saturday Fatima devotion of the Blessed Mother, drove around the circumference of Wales during two days, while continually praying the Rosary as a prayer of spiritual warfare, stopping at religious sites and towns along the way to bury blessed Rosary beads and Miraculous Medals. (Particular binding prayer was said at ‘Devil’s Bridge’ a little town close to Aberystwyth – the University apparently with the highest suicide rate in Britain).

Crucially, all the Praying Communities in Wales were asked to pray yet again, in support of this powerful event of strategic spiritual importance for the Nation of Wales -effectively placing a spiritual and physical Rosary around Wales. There are also significant efforts to pray for Wales amongst our Protestant brothers and sisters.

In the absense of other formal prayer structures praying for the Nation, this recurrent pattern of inviting the existing Praying Communities to pray for respective initiatives has been recognised as a successful model and it now forms the basis for the Mary's Heel network. Also a request was made from a national leadership group, to look into the setting up of a network of intercession for Wales, so considering our established Marian connection, the network started to take shape as it now exists: With a foundation of existing pray-ers in our religious communities; using the Lord's Prayer and the prayer dictated by Our Lady for these times; and also using a mutually supportive design, whereby everybody is blessed just by being involved. We have reason to believe that the Mary's Heel network has been well received by our religious communities and we are actively inviting our priests and laity to also become involved in this mutual network of prayer. Significant interest is being shown in the August Queen Prayer and the Mary's Heel supportive prayer network from countries all over the world, and many people are reporting that they find this prayer to be very powerful when prayed.


As well as the simple Two Prayer structure of this intercession, which everyone is welcome to join, there are also efforts within this website to bring down the barriers of confusion and accusation which divide Christian brothers and sisters from each other, especially with the Explaining Mary page on this website. There is also a Call to Unity page highlighting just how few barriers still remain between Christians - this really would be the death-knell for Satan, when the Christian Churches unite their hearts in respect and appreciation for each other. Therefore it will be seen that this initiative is seeking to crush evil on several levels - in direct prayer; undoing barriers between God's people and also encouraging us all to a prayerful unity of heart and love for one another.

In the absence of any significant Intercessory Prayer being said in our Countries for the Nation itself, (just do a search on the Internet and see how little there is), then to unite those who may be already praying in small pockets feels like a very powerful and united family to unite in prayer for the Nation. Also to Raise Up The Giant of the Christian Church praying expectantly, by individuals and groups being disproportionately blessed for saying just two easy prayers, so everybody WANTS to pray - then may we truly see "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" as Jesus prophecied to us in the Lord's Prayer. Let us all share the same heart of love for God and His children while being expectant that God is about to do something wonderful to heal our broken Nations ..... but we must pray!

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