A powerful spiritual warfare August Queen prayer for our time. One of our three network prayers for individuals, families and countries

Pray this August Queen prayer, or download the prayer card. The prayer was given to a holy priest by the Blessed Virgin Mary, and was recommended by Pope Pius IX. It calls on us to pray for the defeat of Satan and the fulfilment of the promise within the Lord's Prayer.

The prayer has the imprimatur from the local Bishop at the time.

August Queen of Heaven and Mistress of the Angels,
You who have received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan;
We humbly ask you to send the heavenly legions,
So that under your command they may:

  •  pursue the demons,
  •  combat them everywhere,
  •  crush their bold attacks, and
  •  drive them back into the Abyss.

"Who is like God?"

O good and tender Mother, you will always be our love and our hope.
O heavenly Mother, send the holy Angels to defend me and repel far from me the cruel enemy.
Holy Angels and Archangels defend and guard us.



The August Queen prayer is considered to be a powerful prayer for “spiritual battle” especially needed for our times, when the attacks caused by the fallen angels are increasing in verosity and threaten our families, nations and the salvation we strive for. Pope Pius IX strongly recommended it to the faithful, with subsequent indulgences granted by Popes Leo XIII and Pius X.

TThe Blessed Mother revealed the prayer to the revered priest, Fr. Louis-Édouard Cestac, on January 13, 1863, as a powerful weapon against the powers of Hell.

The translation was derived from a 1945 French prayer card copy bearing the Imprimatur of the esteemed Bishop Leo Albertus (refer to the attached picture). The prayer highlights the call for "spiritual warfare," as revealed by the Mother of God in a vision to her devoted servant, Fr. Cestac.

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